Describe economic and political activities of the Gaza people

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March 30, 2023ruramai

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  • 4 votes

    The Gaza people were primarily involved in agriculture, with maize being their staple crop. They also engaged in cattle herding and hunting.

    The Gaza State was a centralized state with a strong political authority. The king held absolute power over his subjects and was responsible for making all important decisions regarding the governance of the state. The king was advised by a council of elders, who were responsible for making recommendations on matters of governance.

    The Gaza State was also involved in trade with neighboring states and European powers. The state controlled several important trade routes, which allowed it to collect tribute from neighboring states and to engage in trade with European powers.

    Overall, the economic activities of the Gaza people were primarily focused on agriculture and cattle herding, while the political activities of the Gaza State were characterized by a strong central authority and involvement in trade with neighboring states and European powers.

    March 30, 2023
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