Describe the economic activities of the Mutapa state

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March 30, 2023mathias

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    The Mutapa state engaged in several economic activities, including crop cultivation, pastoralism (cattle rearing), and trade. 

    Crop cultivation was one of the major economic activities in the Mutapa state. The crops grown included millet, sorghum, maize, and others. Agricultural products were used to feed the growing population, army, and visitors. Agriculture was more valued than any other economic activity in the Mutapa state.

    Pastoralism or cattle rearing was also an important economic activity in the Mutapa state. Cattle were important for feeding the population, armies of the Mutapa state and visitors. Some of the cattle were kept by provincial chiefs. The system by which these cattle were herded or looked after by other people for the Mutapa is called “Kuronzera” in Shona. Cattle also provided skins and manure to the Mutapa people.

    Trade was another important economic activity in the Mutapa state. The rulers of the Mutapa state controlled important trade routes that passed through their territory, allowing them to accumulate wealth and resources. They traded in gold, ivory, copper, salt, and other valuable commodities with merchants from as far away as Arabia and India.

    Overall, agriculture and trade were two of the most important economic activities in the Mutapa state.

    March 30, 2023
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