Describe the origins of the Gaza state

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March 30, 2023dumisani

Answers (1)

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    The Gaza State was founded by Soshangane, one of the generals of Zwide, who fled northwards with a group of people known as the Nguni after Zwide was defeated by Tshaka in 1819. During Soshangane's migration northwards, the Nguni absorbed the Swazi.

    Soshangane founded the Gaza State in Southern Mozambique where he became the ruler of the Nguni people. The Gaza State was named after its capital city, Gaza.

    The origins of the Gaza State can be traced back to the Mfecane period, which was characterized by widespread violence and upheaval in southern Africa during the early 19th century. The Mfecane led to large-scale migrations and wars, which resulted in the displacement of many people and the formation of new states and kingdoms.

    Overall, the Gaza State was founded by Soshangane during a period of political upheaval and migration in southern Africa.

    March 30, 2023
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