Describe the political organisation of the Great Zimbabwe state

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March 30, 2023roberty

Answers (1)

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  • 4 votes

    The King was the Head of State in Great Zimbabwe. The king supervised trade and exacted tribute from his subjects. Tribute was paid by the King’s subjects and vassal chiefs as a sign of submission, respect, and allegiance to the King (central authority). The King of Great Zimbabwe lived on top of the hills for privacy and protection. The rulers of Great Zimbabwe were also important religious leaders who conducted all the religious ceremonies within the Kingdom. The King was the commander in Chief of the army, and he was the head of the judiciary, meaning that he tried and judged all the cases that were brought to him.

    Overall, Great Zimbabwe was a centralized state with a strong monarchy at its head. The king held significant power over his subjects, including control over trade and military affairs, as well as acting as a religious leader for his people.

    March 30, 2023
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