Describe the political organisation of the Rozvi state

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March 30, 2023delilah

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    The Rozvi state had a centralized political organization with a strong monarchy at its head. The Rozvi rulers were known as Changamires and held significant power over their subjects.

    The Rozvi state was divided into provinces, each of which was ruled by a governor appointed by the Changamire. The governors were responsible for collecting taxes and maintaining order in their provinces.

    The Rozvi rulers also had a council of advisors known as the "Guta raMwari" or "Court of God". This council was made up of senior officials and advisors who helped the Changamire make important decisions.

    In addition to its centralized political organization, the Rozvi state also had a well-organized military. The military was divided into regiments, each of which was led by a commander appointed by the Changamire. The military played an important role in maintaining order within the state and defending it against external threats.

    Overall, the political organization of the Rozvi state was characterized by a strong monarchy at its head, with well-defined administrative structures and a powerful military.

    March 30, 2023
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