Describe the rise and expansion of the Rozvi state

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March 30, 2023mathias

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    The Rozvi State was formed as a result of a successful rebellion against the Mutapa State by Changamire Dombo, who rose to power between 1648 and 1695 AD. The Rozvi state was located in what is now modern-day Zimbabwe and was one of the most powerful states in southern Africa during its time.

    The rise and expansion of the Rozvi state can be attributed to several factors. One of the most important factors was military conquest. The Rozvi rulers were skilled warriors who conquered neighboring states and expanded their territory through military conquest.

    Another factor that contributed to the rise and expansion of the Rozvi state was its political organization. The Rozvi state had a centralized government with a strong monarchy at its head, which helped to maintain political stability and control over its subjects.

    Cattle also played an important role in Rozvi society. According to page 51 of the Study Pack, cattle were used as a form of currency, as well as for food, clothing, and other purposes. The Rozvi rulers controlled large herds of cattle, which helped to increase their wealth and power.

    However, despite its initial success, several factors contributed to the decline and eventual fall of the Rozvi state. These included external pressures from European powers such as Portugal, internal power struggles among ruling elites, environmental degradation due to overuse of natural resources such as timber and water, and declining agricultural productivity due to soil exhaustion.

    March 30, 2023
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