Describe the social organisation of the Gaza state

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March 30, 2023isheanesu

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    The social organization of the Gaza State was based on a system of age regiments similar to that of the Zulu state. The regiments were organized according to age and experience, with younger soldiers serving as reserves and older soldiers serving as mentors.

    The Gaza State was ruled by a king who held absolute power over his subjects. The king was advised by a council of elders, who were responsible for making important decisions regarding the governance of the state.

    The people of the Gaza State were organized into clans, each of which was led by a chief appointed by the king. The chiefs were responsible for collecting tribute from their subjects and enforcing the king's laws.

    The Gaza State was also characterized by a complex system of social hierarchy based on age and gender. Older men held positions of authority within the clan, while women played an important role in agriculture and domestic work.

    Overall, the social organization of the Gaza State under Soshangane was similar to that of other Nguni states in southern Africa, with a highly militarized society based on age regiments and a complex system of social hierarchy based on age and gender.

    March 30, 2023
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