Describe the socio- economic changes which were brought by the coming of Iron technology in Southern Africa

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March 30, 2023daniel

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    The coming of iron technology in Southern Africa brought about significant socio-economic changes. 

    Socio-economic changes included:

    1. Increased agricultural production - Iron hoes and axes made it easier to clear land for farming, leading to increased food production.

    2. Development of trade - The ability to produce iron tools and weapons led to increased trade between societies.

    3. Emergence of new social classes - The accumulation of wealth through control of land and cattle led to the emergence of a new class of wealthy individuals who exploited those with less economic power.

    4. Increased warfare and conflicts among societies because of improvements in weapons.

    5. Changes in settlement patterns - The increased agricultural production allowed for larger settlements and more permanent housing structures.

    6. Changes in religious practices - The introduction of iron technology led to changes in religious practices as new beliefs were introduced along with the technology.

    Overall, the coming of iron technology had a significant impact on Southern African societies by improving agricultural production, developing trade, leading to the emergence of new social classes, increasing warfare and conflicts among societies, changing settlement patterns, and altering religious practices.

    March 30, 2023
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