Describe the socio-political organisation of the Kololo state

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March 30, 2023moses

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    The socio-political organization of the Kololo state was characterized by a sexual division of labor. Men were responsible for hunting, herding cattle, clearing forests, and building shelters, while women were responsible for looking after children, fetching water, cooking, and other domestic tasks.

    Sebetwane, the founder of the Kololo state, mixed freely with his subjects, which contributed towards a spirit of trust and unity in the nation. He also took wives from among the conquered groups to encourage national unity and encouraged the mixing of tribes such as the Kololo, Lozi and Tonga. There was no tribal discrimination in the Kololo Kingdom.

    The Kololo believed in worshiping God through their spirit ancestors. The state was ruled by Sebetwane who held absolute power over his subjects. He was advised by a council of elders who made important decisions regarding governance.

    Overall, the socio-political organization of the Kololo state under Sebetwane was characterized by a sexual division of labor and a strong central authority with a council of elders advising on governance. The kingdom also encouraged national unity through intermarriage between different tribes and had a religious belief system centered around worshiping God through their spirit ancestors.

    March 30, 2023
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