Outline the effects of the introduction of iron on early societies

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March 30, 2023vimbisai

Answers (1)

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  • 4 votes

    The introduction of iron had both positive and negative effects on early societies. 

    Positive effects included:

    1. Improved technology - Iron tools and weapons were stronger and more durable than those made from stone or bronze, which allowed for more efficient farming and hunting practices.

    2. Increased agricultural production - Iron hoes and axes made it easier to clear land for farming, leading to increased food production.

    3. Development of trade - The ability to produce iron tools and weapons led to increased trade between societies.

    Negative effects included:

    1. Raiding - The introduction of iron weapons encouraged the Iron Age people to raid their neighboring societies for cattle, grain, etc.

    2. Increased warfare and conflicts among societies because of improvements in weapons.

    3. Exploitation of women by men who accumulated a lot of wealth through controlling the means of production such as land and cattle, so as a result men began to exploit women because of their economic status and wealth.

    Overall, the introduction of iron had a significant impact on early societies by improving technology, increasing agricultural production, developing trade, but also leading to negative consequences such as raiding, warfare, and exploitation.

    March 30, 2023
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